An Invitation to Readers

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A film about reading… reading Thomas Paine. Paine’s words spoken on camera by a multitude of people from all walks of life. Behind them, the viewer will read the original texts, which are not only the foundation for this film but also some of our country’s greatest values.

Thomas Paine: Revolution in America is a two-part independent film about the author whose writings defined the promise of America. His relevance and importance continue today. How could it be that a man whose words and influence inspired our country be so forgotten?

Short historical/biographical segments about Thomas Paine from his arrival stateside through the Revolutionary War will provide context for the readings. This will be a first hand account of the history of our country’s founding experienced through Paine’s words, articulated and spoken by people like you.

(Clockwise from top left: Lewis Lapham, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Brooke Gladstone)


Read on.

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